
Cancellation Policy

We really hope that you will not need to cancel your membership. If you do need to do so, you should follow the instructions in this section.

In the first 7 days

You will be required to notify us if you want to cancel your membership. Email your cancellation request to: memberships@walkiedogs.com.

To ensure that your membership is refunded, all membership cancellations need to be with us within 7 calendar days from the start date of your annual membership.

Once we receive your cancellation request

If your refund is in within the cancellation period of 7 days, your refund will be sent to your original payment method within 7-14 calendar days.


Please note that, if you exceed 7 days from the start date of the membership, any monies paid will be non-returnable.

How to cancel your policy before it is automatically renewed 

If do not wish to continue with your Walkie Dogs membership at any point after the 7 day period, please email: memberships@walkiedogs.com.

Once we receive your membership cancellation email, your membership will end on the anniversary of your sign up. If you are entitled to a refund, this be sent to your original payment method within 7-14 calendar days.